"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."-Albert Einstein

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Work Hard, Play Harder.

Hi bloggers, I'm sorry for the lack of updates lately. Life is in full swing and I haven't had a chance to sit down. I got a job!! I know everyone is super exited to hear that. Ha. But I'm now a server at our local Applebees. I'm loving it so far and finally have income again. Today's my first day off since I started there a week and a half ago. My feet are going to have to get used to being on them all day. Well work has been going well for me, and for Jamie. She's made a lot of new friends and we have enjoyed hanging out with them a few nights. They're lots of fun and I'm very happy that we can balance work and play. I don't think I would have survived my first weeks of work if it weren't for friends and Jamie. But that's the latest with us. Thanks for being patient :)

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