"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."-Albert Einstein

Friday, August 5, 2011

Planning, planning, and more planning!!

Well goodness, what a busy week it's been. Ever since Sunday night my mind has been on overload trying to organize an event to raise money, while enjoying the great outdoors. What brought this about you may ask? Whitney Mixter. She's on the cast of The Real L Word and she put together a fun filled, competitive, field day for her friends to raise money for a cause she supported. I guess you could say I was inspired. I couldn't sleep that night due to the constant ideas running through my head. So this week Jamie, our friend Shelby, and I have put our heads together and have come up with our own version of Pants vs. Pumps. Our feminine friends will be on a team and take on the more sporty/tomboyish friends in some fun, messy, and silly games. We're raising the money for a cause I truly believe in. It's called YouthPride. It is a local organization that provides help hot lines, community groups, and a support system for kids ages 13-24 trying to find their identity. This group is the only organization who focuses on young adults and their needs. I'm so excited that this plan is now in motion. I have a vision to continue it every year, if this year is a success. So help me spread the word and bring your friends. If you have any questions about cost or anything, contact me on facebook. Thanks for the support and help!! See all you participants September 4th.

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