"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."-Albert Einstein

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

10 Day You Challenge

Inspired by other bloggers, I'm going to join in on this fun game! You should play too :)
So let's start with 10 secrets...

1) I'm a sucker for Graeter's Ice Cream. Mmmm.

2) I want puppies, a lot of them.

3) I wear my retainer every night.

4) My dream job would to be a collegiate level basketball coach.

5) I actually enjoy cleaning...usually.

6) I wouldn't mind living in Louisville again someday, but not forever.

7) I love to read, especially on the beach with my toes in the sand.

8) I always buy candy at the dollar store and sneak it into the Movie Theater.

9) I don't have many secrerts.

10) I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it!!

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