"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."-Albert Einstein

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Work Hard, Play Harder.

Hi bloggers, I'm sorry for the lack of updates lately. Life is in full swing and I haven't had a chance to sit down. I got a job!! I know everyone is super exited to hear that. Ha. But I'm now a server at our local Applebees. I'm loving it so far and finally have income again. Today's my first day off since I started there a week and a half ago. My feet are going to have to get used to being on them all day. Well work has been going well for me, and for Jamie. She's made a lot of new friends and we have enjoyed hanging out with them a few nights. They're lots of fun and I'm very happy that we can balance work and play. I don't think I would have survived my first weeks of work if it weren't for friends and Jamie. But that's the latest with us. Thanks for being patient :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Productive Monday.

Phew, this is the first time I've sat since I woke up this morning. I've been home alone because Jamie has officially started her new job at PetSmart. She's a bather, but a promotion was already discussed on her first day! I couldn't be more proud her. She'll be sent to Grooming School next month to become an offical groomer. So exciting!! As for me, you can just hope I get a job this week. I have a second interview with Applebee's and two other places are looking at my application. Well anywho, I've been quite productive myself here at the house. I've done 2 loads of laundry, swept, mopped, vacuumed, dusted, and made the bed with clean sheets :) all while listening to Mumford and Sons station on Pandora. So, it wasn't awful. But it took 3 1/2 hours and now I'm exhausted. But I know Jamie will love coming home to a clean house and of course, I'm enjoying the smell of cleanliness too. Also, we start training today!! For those of you who don't know, Jamie is trying out for the Atlanta Beat (pro women's soccer team) in November. So it's time to buckle down, eat right, and get our butts kicked in the gym. Weeee. So wish her luck! 

Jamie in her PetSmart uniform.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Planning, planning, and more planning!!

Well goodness, what a busy week it's been. Ever since Sunday night my mind has been on overload trying to organize an event to raise money, while enjoying the great outdoors. What brought this about you may ask? Whitney Mixter. She's on the cast of The Real L Word and she put together a fun filled, competitive, field day for her friends to raise money for a cause she supported. I guess you could say I was inspired. I couldn't sleep that night due to the constant ideas running through my head. So this week Jamie, our friend Shelby, and I have put our heads together and have come up with our own version of Pants vs. Pumps. Our feminine friends will be on a team and take on the more sporty/tomboyish friends in some fun, messy, and silly games. We're raising the money for a cause I truly believe in. It's called YouthPride. It is a local organization that provides help hot lines, community groups, and a support system for kids ages 13-24 trying to find their identity. This group is the only organization who focuses on young adults and their needs. I'm so excited that this plan is now in motion. I have a vision to continue it every year, if this year is a success. So help me spread the word and bring your friends. If you have any questions about cost or anything, contact me on facebook. Thanks for the support and help!! See all you participants September 4th.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Simple Thoughts.

It's crazy how the little things in life can make such a big difference. A friendly gesture, a smile, a simple text to say "hello." It's important to do these things because you never know how it'll affect people you come in contact with daily. So, this is just a reminder to love people, even if it's in the simplest way. I challenge you to think of others before yourself as you go through today.