"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."-Albert Einstein

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tricks & Treats.

I love Halloween!! I enjoy dressing up, all the yummy candy (which I'll be eating constantly for the next few weeks), pumkins, and fun decorations. I do not like scary things though. Jamie and I took the boys we live with, Logan and Zachary, to a haunted yard the other night. Our neighbors block off their yard with tarps and set it for a month in advance. They create scenes from scary movies, graveyards, and just frightening things and then haunt it with bloody people, zombies and chainsaws. I'm a huge baby, but I made it through with only a few screams. It was a lot of fun and just the perfect amount of scary. The night of Halloween I had to work but we got to dress up and make it fun. Here's some pictures of our Halloween events.

Bundled up and about to venture into the haunted yard.

Applebee's crew.

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