"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."-Albert Einstein

Thursday, September 22, 2011

1 Picture (of yourself)

Last day and post for my 10 Day You Challenge. It's been fun sharing some of my favorite things with y'all. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have. In honor of Fall finally approaching and October being in just over a week, here's my picture...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

2 Songs

*one* Weatherman by Daphne Willis

*two* Ours by Taylor Swift

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

3 Films

Gosh, another hard decision. These are just great movies that have been on my mind recently.

1) Bridesmaids.

2) Remember the Titans.

3) Friends w/ Benefits-I'm dying to see this.

Monday, September 19, 2011

4 Books

This was hard, but I had to go with my favorites. I love to read so I could've made this a much longer list.

<one> The Help, recently created into a wonderful movie as well.

<two> Water for Elephants, a whitty, tear jerking love story.

<three> The Hunger Games series. Yes, it's three books. I'm aware I'm cheating the system.

<four> The Secret Life of Bees, a wonderful classic.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

5 Foods

I know it's technically not Sunday anymore, but I didn't have time to blog due to my double shift today. So, here are my 5 foods...a little late.

(1) Fiesta Lime Chicken-shout out to Applebee's.

(2) My always favorite, California Pizza Kitchen BBQ Chicken Pizza.

(3) In honor of the fair coming to town this week, yummy funnel cakes.

(4) Ben & Jerry's Imagine Whirled Peace.

(5) Double Stuffed Oreos, which our house is never in lack of :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

6 Places

This is a mixture of places I love and hold dear to my heart, and also places I dream of going.

[one] Rupp Arena, Lexington, Ky :)

[two] Fiji.

[three] Africa, again.

[four] Australia.

[five] Cabo, Mexico.

[six] London, again.

Friday, September 16, 2011

7 Wants

(1) A new Canon EOS Rebel.

(2) To get married.

(3) A four door Jeep Wrangler.

(4) Our own apartment/house.

(5) A family, sooner than later.

(6) Just Dance for the Wii  :)

(7) A membership to a tanning bed.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

8 Fears

(one) Mascots!!


(two) That I won't finish college.

(three) Sharks.

(four) That I won't love my chosen career.

(five) That my future children won't like me.

(six) Spiders

(seven) Being stalked and/or abducted from my own home.

(eight) My loved ones being taken away from the world too soon.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

9 Loves

1} Everything about Colorado.

2} Reality Tv.

3} Chik-fil-A.

4} University of Kentucky basketball.

5} My wonderful girlfriend.

6} Playing games.

7} V8 Splash

8} A good book.

9} My spoiled puppy, Kobe.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

10 Day You Challenge

Inspired by other bloggers, I'm going to join in on this fun game! You should play too :)
So let's start with 10 secrets...

1) I'm a sucker for Graeter's Ice Cream. Mmmm.

2) I want puppies, a lot of them.

3) I wear my retainer every night.

4) My dream job would to be a collegiate level basketball coach.

5) I actually enjoy cleaning...usually.

6) I wouldn't mind living in Louisville again someday, but not forever.

7) I love to read, especially on the beach with my toes in the sand.

8) I always buy candy at the dollar store and sneak it into the Movie Theater.

9) I don't have many secrerts.

10) I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it!!