"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."-Albert Einstein

Monday, July 25, 2011

ATL so far...

The move to Atlanta has been smooth and fun! I always knew I enjoyed the city with so many things to do and see. It started with a trip to the beach for the 4th of July, not too shabby. Also we've visted the cities of Decatur (or as we like to call it Dick-hater :) and Marietta to visit with friends. It's so nice to have friend's of ours close by!! We've also been job searching like crazy. No luck thus far but we're trying to be patient and enjoy this time because I know we'll want it back when the alarm goes off at 7AM in the near future. We have enjoyed hanging out and dinner's with our sweet hosts, the Parkerson-Tieg's. They have three precious, blonde boys who love sports and guns. They have welcomed us like family, it's been such a blessing. 

Putt putt in PCB

Fun in the sun!!

We've also enjoyed a day at White Water, a trip to the 'Sham to see Jamie's sweet family, and a date night to cheer the Silverback's to a victory over Tampa Bay. And it's only been a month!! I can't wait to see what our future here has in store...

Quick visit to the 'Sham :)

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